meet johanna

Johanna is a mixed-media artist, writer, and travel enthusiast living in the Philadelphia area. She loves making things with her hands, checking out large numbers of library books, homemade kombucha, and caring for her growing collection of houseplants. Before becoming an antonym editor in 2020, Johanna had no experience with publishing or literary magazines. She enjoys the creative process of making the magazine, but her favorite part is how amazing the team is.

Book Johanna could reread every month: There are way too many new things to read

TV Show Johanna would pick for the rest of her life: Bridgerton

Movie Johanna would pick for the rest of her life: Waking Ned Devine

Favorite Ice Cream flavor: Must have chunks, chips, and/or swirls

Johanna’s thoughts on her creative process: Whether it’s out exploring the city, wandering through nature, or a cross country road trip, I feel most alive and creative when I’m out experiencing the world.